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Home / Exhibitions + Events » National Contemporary Art Award » 2010 Bold Horizon National Contemporary Art Award

2010 Bold Horizon National Contemporary Art Award


PRIZE $15,000


Locust Jones, with his work titled 'Lozenge of Dawn' is the winner of the Bold Horizon National Contemporary Art Award 2010.

Locust is the winner of the $15,000 prize money. 

The artwork features four handmade papier-mache orbs – three of which are comprised of strips of paper with world news headlines and refer respectively to global internet news stories, stories of climate change and rising sea levels, and the ‘Predator’ drone fighter planes which fly above Afghanistan in search of terror cells. The fourth orb features collaged imagery of politicians, protestors and soldiers.

Award judge Rachel Kent said she was drawn to both the use of materials in the artist’s work, as well as its intriguing and pertinent political message.



Click here to view the Bold Horizon National Contemporary Art Award 2010 online catalogue of finalists



The Bold Horizon National Contemporary Art Award is an opportunity for New Zealand artists to appear in an overview of national artistic practice and feature in a major exhibition within the Waikato Museum. The winner receives $15,000.

Among our national art community this Art Award, established by the Waikato Society of Arts in 2000, is regarded as one of New Zealand’s premiere contemporary art events. It has put Waikato on the map for its thought provoking entries that promote debate about what is fresh and innovative in art.

The winner of the 2009 National Contemporary Art Award was Dane Mitchell with his entry 'Collateral'.

Each year, the Award also gives the opportunity to view New Zealand’s contemporary art scene through the eyes of a respected curator.




The judge for 2010 is Rachel Kent who is currently the Senior Curator at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Sydney.



Waikato Museum is proud to be the organiser of an event that records clear moments of New Zealand’s art history in the making. We are also very appreciative of the contribution of our new sponsor for these awards.