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Capture a moment under Our Moon and be in to win

An out-of-this-world giveaway! Enter the prize draw by sharing your photos.

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Top artist to judge National Contemporary Art Award

Entries are open now for the National Contemporary Art Award 2022.

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Our Moon exhibition lands at Waikato Museum this weekend

Prepare for a close encounter! An out-of-this-world exhibition is launching this Saturday with the opening of Our Moon: Then, Now & Beyond.

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Two weeks to go for artists to enter No.8 Wire Award

Just two weeks remain for artists to enter the annual Fieldays No.8 Wire National Art Award competition.

Scrimshaw website news

Exhibition scratches at surface of forgotten art

Everyday art scratched into eggshells, whale teeth, and bullock horns is the focus of a new exhibition open from Saturday 19 February.

Rozana Lee with 2021 NCAA Peoples Choice Award artwork news

Silk artwork wins People’s Choice Award

A handcrafted silk artwork won the prestigious Campbell Smith Memorial People’s Choice Award for the National Contemporary Art Award 2021.

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Commemorating Waitangi Day at Waikato Museum

Due to current Covid-19 guidelines, our Waitangi Day activities have been scaled back in comparison to other years.

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From orange to red: Waikato Museum remains open

At the Red level, Waikato Museum and ArtsPost are open at usual hours from 10am to 5pm daily.

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Antarctic work wins Waiclay National Ceramics Premier Award

Artist and human rights specialist Margaret MacDonald has won the $3,000 prize with a ceramic sculpture about climate change in Antarctica.

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Entries open for Fieldays No.8 Wire National Art Award 2022

This renowned annual competition challenges artists from across New Zealand to transform the iconic agricultural product, No.8 wire, into inspiring art.

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Award-winning Maaori artwork inspired by ancestors

An exhibition of compelling portraits by Maaori artists has arrived on tour from the New Zealand Portrait Gallery Te Pūkenga Whakaata.

Hamilotn City Council

Visitors must be vaccinated at Council facilities

'My Vaccine Pass' will be a condition of entry at Hamilton City Council facilities, such as Waikato Museum, for all people aged 12 years and older.