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Waikato Museum upgrade in the works

17 May 2021

Hamilton City Council has allocated significant capital funding through the draft 2021-31 Long-Term Plan to enable Waikato Museum to operate to its full potential.

Key capital projects include: $3.8 million in the next three years is allocated to improving the Museum's Victoria Street entrance to enhance visibility, functionality and access. The proposed upgrade includes a foyer expansion and the installation of an airlock that will improve the Museum’s climate-controlled environment to meet best-practice levels and allow the venue to better maintain and protect artworks and taonga. A further $7.8 million to follow this development is budgeted in 2026-2028 for a new riverside entrance which will include an external lift, a new lobby, an outdoor cultural performance area and a direct path from the Museum jetty on the Waikato River.   

A proposed cycle and pedestrian bridge across the Waikato River, linking Waikato Museum to Memorial Park, will transform Hamilton’s CBD and make the Museum easier to access from the river promenade with the Council allocating $11 million towards this project, which is around 40% of the expected total cost of $26 million. The new bridge is part of a wider vision for a vibrant central city, centred around the new Waikato Regional Theatre, Victoria on the River and the Waikato Museum.

A planned upgrade to the Museum loading bay will improve functionality, security standards and capacity, enabling the Museum to safely receive and manage a wider range of touring exhibitions.   

The Council meeting to adopt the draft 2021-31 Long Term Plan will be held on 24 June 2021.